OpenPub is a portable way to represent content using JSON, XML, and other data formats.

It also includes a few “best practices” to help this representation evolve over time.


The goal of Open Publishing is simple: to allow you to publish once, everywhere.

Today, that’s surprisingly difficult. Many hours are spent manually tweaking content for specific platforms like Facebook, reddit, and Twitter.

As a content creator, your time shouldn’t be spent on hacking infrastructure. Your focus is creating great content.

The Problem

Publishing is manual and time-consuming. Content creators are forced to publish content via many platforms, each with different requirements and best practices.

As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult to manage content in all the places that it will, inevitably – if not hopefully – appear.

The Solution

OpenPub aims to provide a single, simple, and clear way to communicate your story to all platforms at once. Let the platforms take care of optimizing your content for their users. That’s their business, after all.

Will I Lose Control?

Publishers aspire to reach a specific audience. Networks aspire to grow engagement. These goals are collaborative!

OpenPub embraces the distributed structure of the web and provides a way to collaborate so that everyone can benefit.